Monday, October 31, 2005

Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck....Alito!

Welcome your Honor,

I'm going to say there's a 95% chance we'll be reading you soon....
Provided you never donated money to a hate group and you can get your mother to stop talking to reporters...

(Former Drudge Headline "[Alito's] Mom: Of Course he's against abortion"...[Alito quietly responds: "Mom, you're embarassing me!])

I am still racked with disapointment that GW didn't go with the sure thing that is "Justice Tron"....


Blogger Full Metal Attorney said...

They compare him to none other than the greatest justice of the 20th and 21st centuries . . .


5:00 AM  
Blogger Moise said...

This is true...

They have (unfortunatly and rather racistly) referred to the potential new SCOTUS Justice as "Scalito".

Only affectionately I'm sure...

Anyway...I think he'll be confirmed easily, despite all the "closed door" democratic Shananigans that happend today.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like him. Some egghead prof from U. of Chicago said he does not share the share the judicial philosophy of Scalia (i.e., what did the Framer's intend?), but I didn't catch his point about that.

He said, unlike Scalia, who was an academic, this guy is a lawyer . . . does that mean Scalia is NOT a lawyer? Maybe it's me, but do Scalia's opinions sound like the musings of your typical academic? Whether I agree with him or not, his opinions always strike me as something a non-lawyer could understand, even a mere high-school graduate.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Moise said...

I bet even a kindergardner could grasp his opinions...

While the ivory tower crashes and bows to the perplexing thoughts of Ginsberg.

Anywho...I'm not so sure about the esteem for the law level acedemics...while I believe they are all monumentally intelligent, I don't really think of them as "acedemics"...I see them as really really smart people who did outstanding work in Torts class...Not as someone whose calling in life is to master the riddles of the universe...but maybe that's not what acedemics even are supposed to do anyway...

8:39 PM  
Blogger Full Metal Attorney said...

It perplexes me a little when they refer to Scalia as "the most outspoken conservative" on the Court. This is misleading. It makes it sound like he's the most conservative, which would be Thomas. The only reason he's more "outspoken" is because Rehnquist let him write more opinions, or maybe because of his no-bullshit writing style. He doesn't "hide the ball" as Moberly would put it.

If he doesn't share the same judicial philosophy as Scalia, that might scare me. Sure, it might be better to have a conservative "living Constitution" type than a liberal one, but I'd rather have a liberal "original intent" type than that.

It is kind of interesting that the Court is packed with Catholics now. People used to be scared of the pope running everything, but I guess post-JFK nobody's too worried about that anymore.

And yes, I love the title of the post. Very clever.

6:10 AM  

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