Friday, July 22, 2005

On Warren Zevon. I, too, admired his brave exit of this life. For years I wondered if the man behind the bespectacled, cigarette smoking skull (his trademark, you may know) was as tough as the image he projected and emoted through his music. When I saw the VH1 special chronicling his final months, my question was answered. He died how he lived; apparently, to the fullest, foregoing any cancer treatment which would surely make him feel sicker sooner, and opting instead only for the drugs he needed to keep right on working.

I had mixed feelings about the "enjoy every sandwich" remark. That is exactly the kind of sound-bite that folks in t.v.-land crave, something very broadly rendered and easily digested by billions people. I noticed it circulated like an epidemic across the internet for awhile, was even adopted by Zevon's own son as the title of the Zevon Web Site. I understand what he meant, who wouldn't?

On the other hand, Zevon as a Letterman guest sounded much like what I hear when I listen to his music, i.e., he seemed authentic, what you see is what you get. Letterman asked a simple question and Zevon gave a simple, honest answer. I wonder what Tom Cruise's response would be to such a question.


Blogger Moise said...

Something broadly rendered and easily digestible by billions...

Hmm....What's so wrong with that? A hedonist will not give this answer because the enjoyment of the sandwich is the purpose of life...

A Nihilist would not give this answer because they couldn't even enjoy a sandwich...

A Freuding could not give this answer because it makes it seem as though there is something more to life than personal enjoyment...

A Buddhist/Stoic would probably not give this answer because enjoyment of material goods is what is to be aimed against not sought after...

I take the comment as sorrowful, mournful, regretful....If all we are is animals than the measure of life would be how much you enjoy eating and procreating....This statement strongly implies that there is more than that...How much are we supposed to enjoy every sandwich? Every sandwich and everything in nature...if we try to find our joy in that...will practically scream to us in our ear, "We are not the joy you seek, seek ye higher"....

11:18 AM  
Blogger Moise said...

What I meant to say and forgot to say is...

Maybe I'm the person who didn't really understand what he meant...


11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon, you are truly a blessing. You apparently came into this world without a single shred of sarcasm or cynicism in your body. Even as I wrote the line "broadly rendered and easily digestible" something deep within me in revolted and I wrote it and published it anyway. So smug.

8:39 PM  

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