In need of a Randy's break
Ok all, I'm am hating this new schedule where I don't see anyone very often! It totally sucks. It sucks so much that I am dying for a beer & burger at Randy's. I request that we get the timing of this sorted out in the comments section. I also request that we get this done before we all run off to the cayman islands for spring break. Or, in the instance of Kelly,before he runs off to Hedonism III.
Good idea! Here's my Lincoln schedule excluding Tuesday when I am with my family.
Monday: in class 1:30-2:15
Th/F: in class 9:30-10:45
If Tuesday is the only day you guys can do it, then I'll do it that day after 2:15.
In fact, if Wednesday is the only option, I'll come that day!
Well, if you wanted to do it a Monday or Tuesday it would have to be over the noon hour. I don't have class between 12 and 1:30. But that doesn't sound like much fun. Otherwise, W/Th I'm done at 4:30 and F I'm done at 3:00. Friday seems to work best, but this weekend I'm leaving town.
How does next friday at 3:00 sound?
Thanks for getting on this guys...I was worried no one checked the blog anymore :)
Next Friday (the 10th) should be just perfect. I'm done with Property at 2:15, and I can lounge about the Library during the gap.
Sounds good.
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