Monday, February 27, 2006

In need of a Randy's break

Ok all, I'm am hating this new schedule where I don't see anyone very often! It totally sucks. It sucks so much that I am dying for a beer & burger at Randy's. I request that we get the timing of this sorted out in the comments section. I also request that we get this done before we all run off to the cayman islands for spring break. Or, in the instance of Kelly,before he runs off to Hedonism III.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm not exactly sure why I'm posting these . . .

. . . but it has something to do with the pic Jon posted.

Cartoon Violence; Capitalism no longer elusive road runner

When I said the violence wasn't over a cartoon, this is what I meant. They do seem to be quite happy about pilaging the icons of the west, though. I guess, part of me has always wanted to destoy a McDonalds as well, so I sympathize.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blog Explosion

As Jon already knows, I am participating in Blog Explosion. One of the features is called "Battle of the Blogs," which allows me to pit my blog against other blogs and people get to vote on them. I found out just now that I can't afford to wager too many credits on this. If I do, too many people go in and just randomly click so they can get credits. And the people who seem to like my blog stick around a while, browse, and find out that they're too late to actually vote for me. There are three people on right now that got there through my last challenge--which ended fifteen minutes ago. And they're still browsing.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A rant on U2

How in the hell are they the best music artists today?

Yes, they are fine musicians and they make nice safe music for nice safe people, but DAMN. It seems as though people are honoring them simply because they are still together not because of any actual musical accomplishment. Case in point...this years Grammy's:

"The rock gods snatched Grammy history from the comeback queen Wednesday, as perennial favorites U2 took home five trophies while Mariah Carey had to settle for three.
U2 won the 20th Grammy of their careers, including album of the year for "How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" _ the same disc that earned them three awards last year."

Excuse me? How can they earn awards on the same album for two years in a row? How crappy does music have to be for one group to win "Best album of the year (on the same album)" for two years in a row? They might as well as given it to Green Day for American idiot! I'm bias, but it seems like U2's current album is nothing but a "b-side" collection to their last mega-selling disc.

I simply submit that Weezer's latest album "Make believe" is fall superior to U2's "All of our leftovers that you can leave behind". If not Weezer, at least White Stripes "Get Behind Me Satan" or even Kanye West! I'm pissed. Not at U2, but at an industry that would give them awards for the same album two years in a row. On a similar tangent I think that U2 should take a lesson from the Rolling Stones and exit the industry on a high note rather than looking like a geriatric/mummified version of their former cool selves. The music shold be preserved for future generatations, the artist should leave the stage gracefully.

"It's better to burn out than fade away" - Mr. Neil Young