Just Checkin' In
Just a note to say, "hey" and inquire about what you guys are doing. Kelly's in class (I cannot believe it is almost over for him), so how's class Kelly? Jon, how is work? I had an interview w/ Wolf, Snowden, Hurd, Luers and Ahl last Wednesday, my third interview. I was a bit naive, arrogant, overly-confident going into this job search thing.
I thought I'd post a note I got from Poser b/c I think it will encourage. I always send thank-yous to my first-year profs (after grades are posted, of course) and got a couple of nice responses this year. One from Duncan and one from her. I've included my note to her as well so you can see what prompted her response.
Professor Poser:
Thanks for a great year! Since I got to drag my first year out over two years, I guess I was doubly blessed. At least that is what I tell myself.
Also, torts is difficult, in case you didn't know. I got an 8 in contracts (you gave me a 5) and will proclaim boldly to anyone who asks that contracts is a cake-walk compared to torts. Right up to the bitter end I could see the cruel taunting "faces" of duty and causation blending, morphing, amalgamating, etc., into one gooey glob that my dull wits could never quite yank apart.
Yet, I somehow find myself longing for more. The blows I took from Hand and Cardozo and Posner and Epstein and you have left sensations not unlike those deep gratifying aches one gets after a good day bending over a vegetable garden.
I envy those brainiacs who get this stuff quicker than I do, but I will never give up. I don't know yet what the future holds for me as far as law practice goes, but I do hope that one day I'll get a chance to prove that even I am capable of proving D,B,C, and $$..
Yours Sincerely,
I'm glad you liked the course and that you got something out of it. I
enjoyed having you in the class - it is easy to tell who is truly
interested. Grades are far less important than interest, enthusiasm
and energy, so you'll do just fine. And congrats on Contracts - that is no
small feat.
Have a great summer.
Susan Poser
I thought you guys might like to hear that from a flesh and blood prof., and not just some dubious and/or vapid remark from a stranger. If there is one thing the four of us have in common, it is interest, enthusiasm, and energy. Right?!
How 'bout this: Brandt, Hoffart, Nosov and Morten - Daddy like!!
I thought I'd post a note I got from Poser b/c I think it will encourage. I always send thank-yous to my first-year profs (after grades are posted, of course) and got a couple of nice responses this year. One from Duncan and one from her. I've included my note to her as well so you can see what prompted her response.
Professor Poser:
Thanks for a great year! Since I got to drag my first year out over two years, I guess I was doubly blessed. At least that is what I tell myself.
Also, torts is difficult, in case you didn't know. I got an 8 in contracts (you gave me a 5) and will proclaim boldly to anyone who asks that contracts is a cake-walk compared to torts. Right up to the bitter end I could see the cruel taunting "faces" of duty and causation blending, morphing, amalgamating, etc., into one gooey glob that my dull wits could never quite yank apart.
Yet, I somehow find myself longing for more. The blows I took from Hand and Cardozo and Posner and Epstein and you have left sensations not unlike those deep gratifying aches one gets after a good day bending over a vegetable garden.
I envy those brainiacs who get this stuff quicker than I do, but I will never give up. I don't know yet what the future holds for me as far as law practice goes, but I do hope that one day I'll get a chance to prove that even I am capable of proving D,B,C, and $$..
Yours Sincerely,
I'm glad you liked the course and that you got something out of it. I
enjoyed having you in the class - it is easy to tell who is truly
interested. Grades are far less important than interest, enthusiasm
and energy, so you'll do just fine. And congrats on Contracts - that is no
small feat.
Have a great summer.
Susan Poser
I thought you guys might like to hear that from a flesh and blood prof., and not just some dubious and/or vapid remark from a stranger. If there is one thing the four of us have in common, it is interest, enthusiasm, and energy. Right?!
How 'bout this: Brandt, Hoffart, Nosov and Morten - Daddy like!!